I focus on making each photograph perfectly simple. Like a painting. First, I remove the complications by simplifying the frame.  Then, I remove the imperfections by fine-tuning the composition, the exposure and the light.

Most of my photographs involve traditional artistic elements like a strong sense of subject, a focal point, a simple shape, a repeating pattern and a leading line.

Here are some technical details:

  • All of my landscape photographs involve timing the weather, timing the light and timing the color. Most of them are taken during sunset, during a storm, or during a stormy sunset.

  • All of my landscape photographs and most of my other photographs are taken with an 85mm lens. I like the 85mm focal length because it’s flattering without compressing too much depth.

  • Most of my photographs are taken with prime lenses. Prime lenses create straighter lines, sharper pictures and more saturated colors.

  • Most of my photographs are long exposure photographs involving a tripod. Using a tripod allows me to frame the composition deliberately, show movement and increase the color saturation by shooting in low light.

  • Some of my photographs involve light painting. I use a flashlight, a light wand or a laser pen. The flashlight is often combined with homemade paper modifiers.

  • Most of my photographs are taken using the smallest possible aperture with the maximum depth of field. They also use the smallest possible ISO with the least amount of grain.

  • Most of my photographs are straight out of the camera.  I use the healing brush to remove lens dust or camera noise if necessary.

  • Some of my photographs utilize battery-powered flash units. These units are great for portraits and also work for lighting smaller objects in the field.

  • Some of my photographs use constant lights with barn doors. Constant lights with barn doors are easier to adjust and control than flash lights. Constant lights also operate at lower wattages allowing for longer exposures.

  • Some of my photographs employ a fog machine. You can see how the fog machine works on the “VIDEOS” page.

  • Lots of my photographs are reshoots. For example: I photographed this truck on eight different days over the period of one and a half years. This was the fourth rainstorm.